ADITI ABHANG Looking for position • Software Engineer (Front-End and/or Full-Stack) • • Site Reliability Engineer • • DevOps Engineer •

That's Me

Professional Me

I am recent Master in Computer Science (Dec 2020) from Texas State University. Self starter & avid learner. I love exploring new tools and technologies specially when there is a lot playing around visualize-friendly tech operations. I have super wide range of knowledge and hands-on experience on Front-End, Back-End, Full-Stack Applications, developing CI/CD pipeline, working on version controls and of course writing test cases. I am excited to start my professional journey by getting into any domain in the Software, I am confident I can do it all!

Over all I have 3 years of total work experience in agile based environment as a Game Testing Engineer back in India. I also share my experience working as Technical Support Engineer, IT Assistant and Library Assistant during my academic years. Currently, I am actively looking for full-time job opportunities in the Software/IT field. During my past time, you will find me stuck with my tiny macbook air engaged in doing geeky stuff learning new technologies by 49% learning and 51% building demo applications. I like to fill my github profile by adding my newly learned technologies. Lastly, I am a proud introvert, curious learner, eager to contribute nerd and a good listener who likes company of a chilled out person.


Programming languages experience for systems programming, web automation, and data analysis.


My so-for deployment experience platforms.


My preferred technologies for front-end web development and component design.


Hands-on experience with back-end web programming and database architecture.


My favorite tools for version control, code editing, and container orchestration.

Featured Projects

Personal Résume Website

Pocket Blogging Website


Developed and designed a content management website in Python, using Flask framework. I used HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap for designing the website and used MySQL for development further deployed the website using PostgreSQL database on Heroku. Also, I performed the unit testing using unittest module.

Check it out!
Covid Project

Covid-19 Visualization

Using the COVID-19 data from the GitHub data repository for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Visual Dashboard operated by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE). I extracted the data using Data Science Libraries for visualizing the update on the number of active cases, deaths, and recovered cases worldwide. I used jupyter notebook to visualize the data in various graphs and charts.

Check it out!
Face Detection

Face Detection


Facial Detection is my first step towards Machine Learning. This project consists of a python script to detect faces in an image and webcam live video using haar cascade. 'Facial detection using Haar Cascade' is a Machine Learning approach, where the haar cascade function is trained with a set of input data. These input set of data are available on the OpenCV github repository OpenCV Pre-Trained Dataset Repo which contains ample of pre-trained classifiers for face, eyes, full body, front face, etc.

Check it out!